I feel like the keys are falling off!
Most of you that tag along on Face book know what kind of month I’ve had. Just when I thought it was getting better Ol’ Man Winter stuck out his foot and tripped me good. I was coming down a set of concrete steps in town, hit a patch of ice and went airborne.
I hit square on the edge of the top step, in a line across my shoulder blades. After I recovered my breath and a trip to the ER, I was told I had damaged the muscles and bruised the bone in my left shoulder. I have slept the last few weeks sitting up, when I could sleep, took some pretty heavy meds, and prayed not to cough or sneeze.
I’m much better now, and have been working on some poems and my mystery. Had to get off the meds before I could write anything that anybody could understand. Don’t know why anybody would want to live life in a haze if they didn’t have to.
Anyway, I am looking at the blog, and trying to figure out how I can make it better. Maybe it needs to be more about living here with writing thrown in, but who cares really? I don’t know, we all change, and maybe there is a life and changes for this sort of outlet. I don’t know, but we’ll see how it works out together.
I’ll be updating my side bars soon, and adding some shortcuts to some friends and writers.
I'll also have a new poem for you soon.
I'll also have a new poem for you soon.
Glad you stayed around. Thank You.